- Bedroom one view one
- Bedroom one view two
- Bedroom one view three

- Bedroom two view one
- Bedroom two view two
- Bedroom two view three

- Living room Dining room view one
- Living room Dining room view two
- Living room Dining room view three
- Living room Dining room view four
- Living room Dining room view five
- Part of the living room view one
- Part of the living room view two
- A detail
- Breakfast in Paris

- Bathroom one

- Kitchen

- Bathroom two
2 chambres
2 salles de bain
78 m²
2 WCs
Veuillez noter que tous nos appartements ont un numéro d’enregistrement de la ville de Paris. Il peut vous être envoyé sur demande.
Avis important
Le gouvernement français a officiellement annoncé qu’il interdirait tous les systèmes de climatisation fonctionnant à l’eau d’ici au 1er octobre 2024 car il s’agit évidemment d’un énorme gaspillage d’eau et nous devons tous agir sur ce problème environnemental du mieux que nous pouvons.
Par conséquent, comme la quasi-totalité de nos installations sont concernées par cette nouvelle loi, nous arrêterons l’utilisation de ces unités (à ce jour, ce sont les seuls systèmes que nous sommes en mesure d’installer dans les anciens immeubles parisiens) à la date légale. En ce qui concerne le confort de nos clients, nous fournirons des climatiseurs mobiles portables, des ventilateurs ou des refroidisseurs d’air en fonction des configurations de nos appartements.
L’appartement est situé dans un charmant immeuble parisien avec ascenseur (s’arrêtant aux inter-sols). L’appartement a été décoré avec grand soin et allie le grand confort dont vous aurez besoin (literie haut de gamme, salles de bain spacieuses et agréables) avec un style moderne et contemporain tout en gardant les spécificités classiques de cet immeuble XIXème (moulures, circulations, gardes-corps).
L’appartement dispose de deux chambres, toutes deux avec des lits queen-size pouvant être séparés, ainsi que de deux salles de bains (une en suite) et de deux toilettes (dont un séparé). Le salon/salle à manger est spacieux et lumineux et est équipé de la climatisation et se divise en deux parties. L’une étant le salon, avec un canapé et deux fauteuils très confortables qui entourent une élégante table basse ; l’autre étant une belle salle à manger pouvant accueillir six convives.


Array ( [title] => Living room Dining room view one [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Living room Dining room view one [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Living room dining room view two [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Living room dining room view two [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Living room dining room view three [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Living room dining room view three [src] => [srcset] => [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 800 [full_src_h] => 535 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 800 [src_h] => 535 )

Array ( [title] => Living room dining room view four [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Living room dining room view four [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Living room dining room view five [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Living room dining room view five [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Part of the living room view one [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Part of the living room view one [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Part of the living room view two [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Part of the living room view two [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => A detail [caption] => [url] => [alt] => A detail [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Breakfast in Paris [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Breakfast in Paris [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Bedroom one view one [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Bedroom one view one [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Bedroom one view two [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Bedroom one view two [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Bedroom one view three [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Bedroom one view three [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Bathroom one [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Bathroom one [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Bedroom two view one [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Bedroom two view one [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Bedroom two view two [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Bedroom two view two [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Bedroom three view three [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Bedroom three view three [src] => [srcset] => [sizes] => (max-width: 800px) 100vw, 800px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 800 [full_src_h] => 535 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 800 [src_h] => 535 )

Array ( [title] => Bathroom two [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Bathroom two [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => Kitchen [caption] => [url] => [alt] => Kitchen [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )

Array ( [title] => A view from outside the apartment [caption] => [url] => [alt] => A view from outside the apartment [src] => [srcset] => 801w, 720w [sizes] => (max-width: 801px) 100vw, 801px [full_src] => [full_src_w] => 801 [full_src_h] => 534 [gallery_thumbnail_src] => [gallery_thumbnail_src_w] => 100 [gallery_thumbnail_src_h] => 67 [thumb_src] => [thumb_src_w] => 720 [thumb_src_h] => 480 [src_w] => 801 [src_h] => 534 )


Calendrier des disponibilités
- Douche américaine
- Salle de bains avec WC
- Lits 160cm
- Canapé
- Lit pliant sur demande
- Peignoirs
- Bouteille d'eau à l'arrivée
- Café pour le bodum
- Produits pour le lave vaisselle
- Bouteille de vin à l'arrivée
- Bouquet de fleurs à l'arrivée
- Produit pour le lave linge
- Capsules nespresso
- Sacs poubelles
- Produits de la marque l'occitane
- Serviettes salle de bains
- Draps supplémentaires sur demande
- Assouplissant
- Rouleau de cuisine
- Sucre
- Thé
- Parapluies
- Air conditionnée uniquement dans le salon
- Enceinte bose portable
- Plaques de cuisson
- Tv avec chaines du cable
- Chauffage central
- Presse à café
- Bodum
- Assiettes et couverts
- Lave vaisselle
- Support de séchage
- Séchoir
- Ventilateur pendant l'été
- Appels gratuits vers les portables français
- Appels gratuits vers les téléphones fixes
- WIFI gratuit
- Sèche-cheveux
- Internet haut débit
- iPad avec WIFI
- Fer à repasser avec planche à repasser
- Four micro onde
- Machine Nespresso
- Four
- Frigo
- Grille-pain
- Machine à laver le linge
Tarif basé sur une occupation de 2 personnes.
Pour la fashion week, prix sur demande.
27 - Saint Jacques / Gay-Lussac
Personnalisez votre séjour
Nous serions heureux de vous proposer certains de nos services supplémentaires. Si vous êtes intéressé, veuillez nous le faire savoir et nous vous enverrons un devis par courrier électronique.
Voir plus d'avis
The apartment was perfect for a one week stay; close to the garden and walking distance to the Marais. Great gelato places nearby as well!
Amazing apartment in an lovely neighborhood
Quiet apartment 1 minute walk from Luxembourg park.Spacious, clean and equipped with everything you need.On a cold day when the central heating was turned off in April, there was a mobile electric heating, which was useful. There is also air conditioning in summer. This is rare in Paris. The kitchen is minimal, but you can usually cook once you get used to it. One thing that was difficult was walking up about 10 steps from the entrance to the elevator from the road. My feet were injured, so I couldn’t carry my suitcase up those stairs. It’s a bit difficult for people who bring large suitcases. Other than that, we enjoyed a very nice Parisian apartment. There were plenty of organic supermarkets, cafes and restaurants within a 10 minute walk which was very convenient. The manager also contacted me and responded immediately (in English), and I didn’t have to worry about anything.
This was a great location- enjoyed breakfast sitting in Jardin Luxembourg many mornings. The apartment was really large for Paris and so clean with lots of storage & nice furniture. The washer/dryer was a bonus.
Lovely lovely apartment; so easy to feel at home. Traveling with two teenage girls made the two bathrooms especially great.And communication with Fanny was extremely easy and prompt. The location was quiet and peaceful, but also easy to get places.
The light in this apartment is stunning, just like the apartment itself. It exceeded our expectations. Nestled on a quiet tree-lined street, with little cafes and shops around the corner makes it all picture perfect. The apartment had everything we could possibly need for our week and a half stay. The entire unit was very clean and stylish. The kitchen is small, but we were able to make breakfast everyday and several dinners in. The bathrooms were large and well equipped. Even the blow dryers they supplied were great. The bedrooms were spacious with plenty of storage for our large inventory of clothes and the beds were so comfortable. I want to give a special shout out to our hostess, Natasha. She was very helpful, nice, and professional. She made our introduction into the apartment seamless and so welcoming. Merci, Natasha and Paris Vacation Apartments ! We will be calling on you again when we return to your beautiful city.
The apartment was very comfortable and we enjoyed it greatly. This was our third rental with PVA. The building did not seem to be in as good a shape as the earlier rentals, but comfortable all the same. It was a nice luxury to have the washer and dryer. We were within easy walking distance of some nice restaurants and once we figured out the RER/Metro relationship, travel around the city was easy. We really like working with the PVA team. You guys make these trips very easy to do. I’m looking forward to seeing you again in September when my wife and I will be visiting Paris. Thank you so much.
The apartment exceeded our expectations. It was very comfortable, convenient and well appointed. The PVA team was excellent in every way: attention to detail, customer focused, communication, and knowledge. The entire process was seamless and easy. From my initial contact with Alex in November of 2022, to the email communications with Clara and Fanny before arriving, and finally, our proactive, communicative, on-time check-in greeter, Natasia, our stay could not have been more enjoyable. After checking in, Natasha made sure that we were settled in and were enjoying the apartment. She was also available, if I had a question or anything really. So, not only did we stay in a lovely apartment, but we had the entire PVA team available if we had any issues or questions. We will definitely book with Paris Vacation Apartments again.
Great apartment in a convenient location for living your best Parisian life. Very handy with the 2 bathrooms and it has everything you need. Close to RER station which was great, so quick getting around. Nice, quiet neighbourhood but close to amenities and Jardin du Luxembourg. Highly recommend.
Our first stay in Paris was everything we hoped for. This apartment is ideal in every way. The location is excellent. Everything is within walking distance. Grocery store, restaurants, cafes are all around the corner. You’re within a 15 minute walk of Notre Dame, and all that area has to offer. The neighborhood is peaceful and family friendly. Plenty of space. Very comfortable. The host is on top of it with communication. I would definitely stay here again.
This is a beautiful and spacious apartment in a wonderful location. You’re on the 4th/5th floor US and have a lovely view, looking at the sky and the quiet street below. The apartment is all redone and the work, cleanliness and décor are impeccable. There is a lot of space and the bathrooms are spacious and the showers are excellent. It’s a small building with only one apartment per floor so it was VERY quiet. I have stayed with PVA three times now and it’s an excellent agency. I highly recommend any of their apartments!
Just returned home from a lovely stay. Great location in a quiet neighbourhood but easy access to all the sites. Check-in was great, host was there to meet us as planned. Easy communication prior to arriving. I will definitely recommend
An incredible apartment from it’s superb interior to fantastic location. We were absolutely thrilled to be so close to the Luxembourg Gardens, away from the noise and in a central location. It is an amazing place!
Notre arrivée chez Clara a été très minutieuse et nous avons apprécié de pouvoir nous enregistrer tôt, car après un vol de 24 heures, nous avions besoin de nous rafraîchir. Cet Airbnb est idéalement situé : le métro à proximité, les cafés et restaurants abondent, les jardins du Luxembourg en bas de la rue et le quartier latin se trouve dans le quartier latin. Les touches supplémentaires rendent cet endroit haut de gamme : produits de salle de bain L’Occitaine, capsules de café, peignoirs, ascenseur, vin de bienvenue et chocolats. Nous nous sommes détendus en sachant que nous étions pris en charge et n’avions rien à faire au départ.
heerlijk ruim appartement om te verblijven. voorzien van alle gemakken. 2 badkamers was een luxe. Fijne bedden. winkels en bakkers in de buurt. metrohalte om de hoek.
When you travel a great distance from home, you just want to feel safe, secure, and in control. Check, check, and check. Wonderful location. Couldn’t be closer to the RER B for travel airport, Lux Garden close by and most things are walkable. Highly recommend this outfit.
Great 2 bedroom; 2 full bathrooms ( 1 full in primary bedroom and on large shower room & sink across from 2 nd large bedroom and a toilet room at the other end of apartment) . Apartment is centrally located about a 30 min walk to the Norte Dame/Louvre and shops of rue de Rivoli and east to get around on the metro. Morning cafe just outside the door and lots of little grocery stores around. Apartment is on 4th floor and has a 1 person elevator which is up a few steps. The main area of apartment has air conditioning and large fans in both the rooms. Beds were comfy and modern/stylishly decorated and washer and dryer. Host was easy to communicate with and met us and showed us how everything worked and left us wine donuts and coffee and fresh flowers. Great centrally located. Would stay again.
Definitely get this place! We do a lot of AirBnB – this one stands out. The whole apartment feels new and loved. Five minutes to the Jardin Luxembourg and the RER metro. Lovely Pain Dore place for croissants and baguettes. Air conditioning that works!! 🙂 I know it’s a little more expensive, but – really worth it.
The apartment was lovely – even nicer than the pictures! Nastasia met us right on time and brought us flowers, pastries, and wine. The apartment was extremely clean and tidy (I have stayed in a lot of AirB&Bs and this one may rank as the cleanest I have ever seen), and the kitchen had what we needed for breakfasts (fridge, toaster, dishwasher, French press for coffee). The basics are there: plenty of laundry and dish soap, paper towels, TP, shampoo, etc. The building is very secure and has two locked doors before you get to the apartment door and we felt very safe. Location is great, just a 4 min walk to RER station. Bedrooms have lots of storage space and plenty of hangers for clothes and shelves for storage. The space is charming, well taken care of, and we would stay here again in a heartbeat.
Everything was great.
We had a wonderful stay in the Jardin du Luxembourg over Easter with our two teens. Everything worked extremely well, from communicating with PVA and with our greeter on the day of arrival, the lovely flowers, water, cookies and wine upon our arrival, a tour of the apartment, and easy quick communicating with our greeter when we had a question. The flat was really lovely, and we had a terrific time – in fact, we are currently rebooking for our next stay.
We had a great stay as a family of four! It was easy to get to from the airport, the beds could be split into two twins for our kids, and it was just what/where we needed to explore Paris for a week! Thank you so much for the wonderful stay!
Very clean and comfortable apartment, the bedrooms are far from each other and have their own bathroom so perfect setting for friends staying there together but who wants their privacy, the location is perfect, 5 minutes walk to the Jardin du Luxembourg, very quiet little street, no noise at night. Paris Vacations is offering a very good service, they are very fast in responding to any request and have been very flexible and accommodating with us during the pandemic. We would recommend without any hesitation.
This is such a lovely apartment! Nastasia met us and made us feel right at home. The Luxembourg Garderns are very close, as well the metro. The apartment is spacious and well appointed. The two bathrooms and a washer/dryer were nice to have since we had our 8 month old grandson with us! We highly recommend this apartment.
We truly enjoyed both of the apartments in Paris. They were both ideally located, clean and nicely furnished and equipped. The staff was professional, gracious, friendly and extremely helpful every step of the process. We could not have been more pleased. We will certainly book another apartment when we return to Paris and will also enthusiastically recommend this company to our friends and family.
Great location, easy check-in, and apartment is exactly as described. We would happily stay again.
I stayed in the apartment with my family. The reception was very friendly, they had someone waiting for us. They also arranged the driver from the airport, which made everything easy. The location of the apartment is exceptional, one block from Champs Elysées, very easy to access the metro and move around Paris. The apartment had everything we needed, they also arranged cleaning during the stay. The interaction with PVA team was very easy with WhatsApp. My family and I found it a perfect experience and we would recommend PVA apartments.
The most lovely Parisian apartment in an excellent, local neighborhood. Can’t recommend enough!
An apartment in excellent conditions located in a quite neighborhood. Very well mantained and exceptionally clean.
L’appartement bénéficie d’une localisation idéale à deux pas du jardin du Luxembourg, il se situe dans une rue très tranquille à l’écart de la circulation ce qui est très appréciable. Nous avons passé un séjour très agréable parfait pour découvrir le côté rive gauche de Paris. Acceuil parfait. Nous recommandons vivement pour le lieu et l’organisation parfaite.
En tout point exceptionnel. Lumineux, calme, bien décoré, pratique, bien placé. Juste parfait. Rapport qualité prix incroyable et accueil professionnel et sympathique.
Appartement très bien placé, lumineux et agréablement rénové. Très bonne correspondance avec l’annonce.
It’s a good place with a good service. Thank you!
Great apartment, super lean and beautiful Parisien decor. The host was super professional and responsive. I would highly recommend it to anyone wishing to visit Paris in style 🙂 Thumbs up
This apartment was wonderful, bigger than expected with lots of cute stylish touches. Situated in a very convenient neighborhood just off of the RER from CDG. Easy walking distance to many Paris sights. Can’t wait to stay again!
Situation excellente Appartement tres confortable et très tranquille. Réponses toujours rapides. A recommander
Alexandre’s apartment is very nice and clean. It is even better than the pictures. All rooms are super clean and it is very nice to have 2 bathrooms. The staffs are very helpful. When we arrived the elevator was broken for 2 days , so Alex’s staff helped us to carry our luggages up to the 4 th floor where the apartment is and we were offered a big van to get us to CDG airport on the day we left Paris. This is very appreciated. We will certainly come back and recommend our friends to stay in his apartment.
I can’t recommend this apartment enough. A beautiful space and a fantastic location, we couldn’t have asked for a better experience.
We enjoyed a long term stay at this lovely apartment. We wouldn’t change a thing – clean and modern apartment with professional, and friendly service. Beds were comfy, appliances all worked perfectly. Really a fabulous stay!
Excellent location and amazing host. Loved our stay!
A great find! The apartment and location were both amazing. We loved calling this home for a week in the Latin Quarter. The apartment is totally spotless and modern. The kitchen was fully functional and the dining and living room areas are bright and great spaces to relax. The washer and dryer were easy to use and even included the detergent. Both bathrooms are large and the water pressure was amazing! There is a full bathroom (toilet, sink, shower) for the master bedroom. The 2nd bathroom for the 2nd bedroom has a sink and shower only. The 2nd toilet is just off the kitchen. That was a bit awkward, however with all the pluses this apartment has to offer, the split 2nd bathroom was not an issue. This apartment is on the 4th floor (actually 5th floor in the U.S.). There is an elevator, but only holds one person at a time (or two very small people). This was also not an issue for us. Walking up the steps was a good way to work off all the amazing bread we were eating! This was our 4th visit to Paris, and overall our best apartment yet. The location is perfect. Close to the RER (Metro) and all the monuments. There is a cafe just across the street, and a bakery, cheese/meat shop just around the corner. There is a very thorough reference binder that was also super helpful and the host showed us everything about the apartment and how to operate the appliances. Thank you and we look forward to staying in one of your apartments again!
This apartment is in a great location. There is a beautiful view of the Palais Royal from the apartment. Very close to the Louvre and to the Metro. The apartment was clean and our greeter accommodated us early. The whole team was very responsive and replied to our emails right away. The only thing I would say as a light sleeper is to keep in mind that most Parisian apartments are not soundproof. But it was mostly quiet enough at night when we slept so I wasn’t too bothered. Overall a great stay and would stay again.
Our overall experience dealing with Alexander’s unit was very positive. We survived record breaking Paris heat thanks to an efficient air conditioning unit and well placed fans. The bright and spacious open dining/living area was perfect for us to get together with our traveling companions, plan and later compare our days, and enjoy a drink while planning for our evenings. Our arrival and departure went smoothly and were closely monitored by Alexandre’s efficient assistants. They knew when we were arriving and met us at the apartment, showed us around, and allowed us to drop off our bags a little early. The day before our departure I phoned Daria to see if my husband and I could leave our luggage in the apartment until early afternoon since we had a delayed flight. She checked the schedule of the incoming guests, and said it would be fine to come back and pick up our bags in early afternoon.
What a wonderful place to experience the city of light! The apartment is everything that was advertised and more. It was a true pleasure to come back everyday to relax or refresh after walking the beautiful streets. The location is ideal for exploring all the main city attractions. The apartment was perfect with great attention to detail. It was one of our best experiences at an AirBnB. The customer service was friendly and helpful. Truly a great experience I would definitely recommend to anyone who wants to live Paris!!
Beautiful place/location. This Airbnb has everything you’ll need for your trip. You’re in walking distance to so many restaurants, attractions and shopping. I recommend Le petit Jacques which is right around the corner, nicest people you’ll come in contact with in Paris. They have some of the best cheese and meats I’ve ever had, it’s perfect to bring back to the place to enjoy.
First, thanks to PVA, we lived like Parisiens during our stay in the Pantheon/Luxembourg Gardens apartment and it was simply amazing and remarkable. The apartment is nicely appointed with all modern conveniences of a long term stay unit. Clara, the PVA team greeter, met us on time when we arrived and carefully explained all the details of our unit. We cannot say enough about the quality members of the PVA team as they are responsive, caring, and professional from booking to our departure. The apartment was spotless upon arrival and the arrival gifts were greatly appreciated. This is our third stay with the PVA organization starting with Bordeaux in 2017, in Paris in 2018, and again in Paris in 2019. Without reservation, we endorse the PVA team and their properties. Our only regret is that they do not manage properties yet in Cannes and Nice as we would definitely book with them in those wonderful locations.
Great place! Excelent Location! Nice to stay and repeat.
This apartment was absolutely perfect for our family of four. We spent a week there in March, and it was ideal. The location is great – on a quiet street in a residential neighborhood, but close to lots of sights and convenient to the RER B line at Luxembourg. We walked all over the city from there, and enjoyed nearby restaurants. The apartment was bright and immaculately clean. Fred greeted us and showed us around up on arrival, and brought fresh flowers. There is plenty of closet space for unpacking, the bathrooms are modern with great showers and high-end bath products. They split the beds in one room for the kids and the living space was comfortable. The kitchen is new and nice but small, not ideal for serious cooking, but who comes to Paris to cook? We would definitely come back again!
Great place in a fantastic location. We had a problem one evening (Sat night) and Alexandre and his staff answered the phone and helped us despite the unsocial hour. The apartment was clean, large and airy with a coffee pod machine dressing gowns, wine, cakes, and flowers to welcome us. Can recommend it highly.
Incredibly spacious and well appointed apartment with oven, stove, coffee maker, washer and dryer all in perfect order. This is a quiet neighborhood with very minimal street noise and close proximity to the RER B line. Not to mention a charming cafe right across the street! Our greeter, Pierre-Louis, was exceptionally helpful and responsive to questions. Would stay here again in a heartbeat! A few tips for future travelers: the elevator is a half flight of stairs up — not a problem for most, but worth mentioning for any who are disabled. Also, the 2nd bathroom is split — toilet on one side of the unit, shower/sink on the other.
We had the best time in Paris in this flat! It was perfect in every way! I highly recommend and definitely will come back!
Wonderful apartment-the host thought of everything. Clean and comfortable.
The apartment was as described. Very clean and comfortable. Nice quiet neighborhood and well located with loads of restaurants and metro near by. We had a lovely stay .
Diane Iselin
Overall : The apartment is in a fantastic location and we were able to walk everywhere. It was clean, well kept and has a lovely view. Each bedroom has a good deal of storage. The neighborhood is quiet at night, allowing for a good night’s sleep. Our greeter, Fred, pointed out everything we needed to know. An excellent choice for two people traveling together. We hope to plan a 2019 stay with Paris Vacation Apartments!
Very clean, beautiful apartment! Our host was very organized and helpful at check in. Really safe neighborhood, and tucked away! We had 2 couples on the trip and plenty of space for all 4 of us in the apartment! Would definitely stay there again!
For our first trip to Paris, my wife and I concluded it would be more fulfilling to experience the city at our own pace rather than via a frenetic programed tour on a bus. With this in mind the first consideration was where to stay while visiting this City of Light. We contacted Paris Vacation Apartments via there convenient gmail address from the States and the entire process was effortless and flawless from that point. The salient points are these: 1) The team at PVA communicates in perfect colloquial English ( or French if you prefer) 2) They provide a detailed booklet answering every question you can imagine about your stay in Paris: stores for incidental groceries, bakeries, good bistros, facts about the Metro…..everything. 3) The apartment we rented was modern and convenient in every detail: two bedrooms, two modern baths with showers, a spacious comfortable living area with a view of beautiful rococo architecture out the front windows, a modern efficiency kitchen with refrigerator, microwave, range, dishwasher, and any necessary common kitchen utensils. 4) The apartment was completely secure having electronic coded locks on principal entries and deadbolts on the apartment door. In summation, for anticipated future trips to Paris, we would simply contact Paris Vacation Apartments as the obvious first step in planning the trip; it is simply a given. These people are courteous, completely professional and friendly. They are highly recommended as the go to people, when considering accommodations for any Paris holiday.
This apartment was lovely. Super clean and fully furnished with everything you need for a short stay. The WiFi is super fast and the Smart TV has the ability to use your own Netflix login. There was plenty of space for our family of 4. The beds are very comfortable. The bathrooms are large enough for multiple people to use at once. Even though the kitchen is small, they managed to fit in everything we needed, even a dishwasher under the oven. We found that it took a few minutes for the air conditioner to cool down the living room but was able to keep us comfortable during the night with the additional fans running in the bedrooms. Opening the windows provides a great cross breeze when air conditioning is not needed. The front door is super cool with a modern locking system that was easy to use (not always the case in older buildings). The washer and dryer worked great so we were fine to pack light and do laundry right in the apartment. The street is small and quiet but adjoins larger streets to make access simple for Uber drivers. There are a few steps to get to a small elevator but it was nice to not have to walk up the entire way. There are some small shops and restaurants just minutes away by walk or a 20 minute walk down the hill gets you to a broader range of options. The greeter was on time and very nicely explained everything. Highly recommended! The perfect home away from home
We had a lovely time during our stay in Paris and only wish we could have stayed longer. We absolutely loved this apartment and it’s location. It was so comfortable for us and has everything we needed. We will definitely like to come back in the future and stay here again. Highly recommend this apartment. Absolutely loved our apartment in Paris and all the beautiful touches. Thank you for all the hospitality. We look forward to coming back!
« Great apartment. Centrally located. Quiet street with restaurants and shops close by. 5 minutes walk to Jardin Luxembourg and the Luxembourg RER station. Apartment is slightly smaller than it seems in the pics but well designed and well maintained. Pierre-Louis met us on arrival and helped us with our bags and explained everything. All in all a great stay! »
Espaço excelente com muito conforto. Camas maravilhosas. Localização muito boa. Gostei muito do apartamento,da localização e do check in . Todos foram muito atenciosos. As camas são muito confortáveis e o banheiro excelente. A cozinha também muito boa.
My friends and I really enjoyed our stay at this apartment. It was clean, stylish and spacious for European standards. We had everything we needed to make ourselves feel right at home. Any question we had, it was answered promptly. I would definitely try and stay here again the next time I visit Paris.
Excellent, clean and comfortable apartment in great location. Better than what you can imagine from the pictures, with attention to details and a very nice welcome. Will be happy to return to the same apartment on my next vacation in Paris.
This apartment was amazing! It’s even better the photos. It’s bright and clean and sparkling new! It was very comfortable for a family of four in a beautiful tree lined street, minutes away from the Luxembourg Gardens and a metro. The bathrooms had rain showers with strong water pressure. Fluffy towels and bathrobes were included along with L’Occitane products (Lime Verbena). Lots of cabinet space and even hampers in the bathrooms. Brand new washer, dryer and dishwasher. There were even umbrellas for us in case it rained (I did). Fanny was an absolute pleasure. This was a very last minute reservation and she somehow made it on time with a smile and a bottle of wine. I highly recommend this place and would definitely stay in it again.
The apartment is exactly as shown in the pictures, if not better. We had a wonderful stay. We come to Paris quite often and this was probably the best flat we’ve staid at. It’s contemporary, clean, quiet, and just perfect. I highly recommend it.
Loved our stay here! Beautiful apartment in a great location
Voir moins d'avis
The apartment was perfect for a one week stay; close to the garden and walking distance to the Marais. Great gelato places nearby as well!
Amazing apartment in an lovely neighborhood
Quiet apartment 1 minute walk from Luxembourg park.Spacious, clean and equipped with everything you need.On a cold day when the central heating was turned off in April, there was a mobile electric heating, which was useful. There is also air conditioning in summer. This is rare in Paris. The kitchen is minimal, but you can usually cook once you get used to it. One thing that was difficult was walking up about 10 steps from the entrance to the elevator from the road. My feet were injured, so I couldn’t carry my suitcase up those stairs. It’s a bit difficult for people who bring large suitcases. Other than that, we enjoyed a very nice Parisian apartment. There were plenty of organic supermarkets, cafes and restaurants within a 10 minute walk which was very convenient. The manager also contacted me and responded immediately (in English), and I didn’t have to worry about anything.